Customised products and training solutions to suit specific client needs in both Corporate and Wellness contexts.
A strong focus on developing an Executive Presence in Leadership.
A developmental tool that creates greater efficiency, productivity, and innovation.
The ORSCĀ© model of Coaching regards:
The Relationship System as the Client;
The Relationship System as Naturally Intelligent and Creative;
Coaches the Whole Relationship System;
Reveals the System to Itself.
Types of Coaching
Individuals, Couples, Families , Managers, Executives and Teams.
Short-term (6 weeks to 3 months)
Long-term therapy (1-2 years)
All therapy is offered on a contractual basis with clients.
Social Group Work (12 to 24hrs ) over 6 to 12 weeks ( topics vary)
An Integrated Approach - influenced by Social Anthropology, Family Systems Theory, Jungian and Freudian Depth Psychology, Process Oriented Psychology, and Social Work.
Social Work Project focused services : Social Advocacy, Social Development , Supervision of Social work Practitioners; Peer Training , Crisis Intervention , Specialised Interventions during COVID 19 Pandemic.