Fashionable Waifs
Whilst some of us wonder what we should cut out of our diet next to become a fashionable waif, a much larger percentage of people in the world…
The Four key elements of the Alchemical Process are used to:
Enliven the elements of work, self and relationship that will consolidate self-mastery - and grow a personally satisfying and successful life.
Dismantle the raw material at the exact entry point where the obstruction to clarity and progress exists - and a fresh solution might be found.
Weather the discomfort central to the various fragilities evoked during the process of transformation- and remain open to the outcome.
Transmute the lesser significant elements and more common aspects of a problem into something viable – and assimilate every component in the situation.
Whilst some of us wonder what we should cut out of our diet next to become a fashionable waif, a much larger percentage of people in the world…
The New Year starts and despite my enthusiasm for change and developing new horizons, or finishing books and incomplete projects, getting fitter and healthier …
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