The Four key elements of the Alchemical Process are used to:
Enliven the elements of work, self and relationship that will consolidate self-mastery - and grow a personally satisfying and successful life.
Dismantle the raw material at the exact entry point where the obstruction to clarity and progress exists - and a fresh solution might be found.
Weather the discomfort central to the various fragilities evoked during the process of transformation- and remain open to the outcome.
Transmute the lesser significant elements and more common aspects of a problem into something viable – and assimilate every component in the situation.
Africa – is on the heart meridian of the world and brings with it a deep spiritual medicine or elixir that is grown out of the vernacular of everyday life in Africa. In a business context – it’s a homegrown endeavor, and represents the unique hue in the offerings born out of the amalgamation of both the grit and the beauty innate in Africa.
Alchemy – describes the process of transmuting a common substance into a unique alternative of great value There are two steps involved in this process:
a. Dissolve: here things that keep things stuck are dismantled
b. Congeal: here the cleansed new state eventually coagulates
As these elements combine through an Alchemical process of their own they collectively create an original and unique brand that offers Leadership in Organisations an opportunity to refresh and replenish themselves. This will ultimately enable them to execute their tasks as Leaders with greater vigor, enthusiasm, innovation and diligence.
Hanlie Raath – MA Social Work (Wits) 1988 - Founder and Executive Director